20 авг. 2011 г.

Lady's purse

Shepherd's purse
Shepherd's purse: Description. Annual erect herb with basal rosette pinnately, toothed leaves with large stakes. Flowers small, white, on long stalks. Seeds - triangular bags.
Flowering time. May-August.
Habitats. In gardens, fields, gardens, roadsides, forest clearings.
The applied part. The above-ground portion of plants.
Collection time. May - August.
Shepherd's purse: Chemical composition. Shepherd's purse herb contains choline, acid (bursovuyu, malic, citric, tartaric), lots of potassium, vitamins C, K, flavonoid glycosides, inositol, volatile, tannins, substances, essential oils, resins.
Shepherd's purse: Action. Phytoncide, hemostatic, hypotensive, diuretic, astringent. Increases intestinal peristalsis, regulates metabolism, strengthens the uterus, narrows peripheral blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, bleeding stops different, promotes scarring.
Shepherd's purse: Application .. In the gastro-intestinal, uterine, lung, nose, kidney hemorrhage. With diarrhea, pneumonia, acute and chronic inflammation of the kidneys and bladder soaked, kidney disease, fever, rheumatism, liver and gall stones.
Method of application.
1. 1 tablespoon herbs shepherd's purse to 1 cup of boiling water, a thermos for 1-2 hours. Drink 1 / 3 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before eating.
2. 2 tablespoons of shepherd's purse herb to 1 cup of boiling water, leave. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times daily after meals as a hemostatic. Topically applied to wounds with poultices, lotions, baths.
3. Shepherd's purse herb, 70 ° alcohol, (1:10), insist 7-10 days. Drink 20 drops 3 times a day with uterine atony, uterine bleeding, rheumatism and as a choleretic, with pielonefritah, diarrhea, regulates metabolism.
Contraindication. Pregnancy, thrombophlebitis. 

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