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Kalina common |
Flowering time. May-June.
Habitat. At the edges of mixed forests, glades, clearings, thickets of bushes on the banks of rivers and lakes, cultivated in gardens.
The applied part. The bark and berries.
Collection time. The bark is harvested in the spring in April, the flowers - in May and June, the berries - in September and October.
Kalina common: The chemical composition. The bark contains a bitter glycoside snowball-viburnin, organic acids (formic, acetic, izovaleryanovuyu, capric, caprylic, butyric, linoleic, palmitic, valeric), tannins, phytosterol, resin, miritsilovy alcohol, and vitamin C. The berries Viburnum contain sugar, tannin , pectins, organic acids (izovaleryanoyvuyu, acetic, ascorbic), vitamins F, E, provitamin A, vitamin C (more than citrus fruit), calcium, phosphorus, and iron.
Kalina common: Action. Viburnum bark acts as a hemostatic, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, sedative in hysteria and convulsions, hysteria, stop uterine bleeding (especially in menopause, pregnancy and the menstrual cycle), increases the tone of the uterus, narrows blood vessels. Viburnum berries act as a diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, early-healing, vitamins, tonic, sedative for coughs, promote healing of ulcers in the stomach and duodenum, have a preventive effect on cancer, improve heart function, strengthen the heart muscle, improve the functioning of the intestine.
Kalina common: Application. Viburnum bark is used for bleeding, threatened abortion, and went into labor, has antifebrile action instead of quinine. It is used for colds, coughs, hysteria, and convulsions. Viburnum berries are used for nervousness, gastritis, vascular spasm, hypertension. Viburnum berries and juice infused 6-8 hours in the hot honey, used for coughs, colitis, hemorrhoids, internal bleeding, colds, liver disease, jaundice, bronchitis, pneumonia, heart disease, edema, renal and cardiac nature.
Dosing ..
1. 10 g bark per 1 cup cranberry boiling water, 3-6 hours in a thermos, Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
2. 2 tablespoons berries II cup of boiling water, for 2 hours in a thermos and drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times daily before meals.
3. Bark on 70 alcohol (1:10), to insist. Take 20-40 drops 2-3 times daily before meals.
4. Juice from the berries of Viburnum mix with sugar (1 kg of juice per 2 kg of sugar). Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times daily with water.
5. 100 g of berries at 200 g honey, boiled for 5 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with tracheitis, bronchitis and cough.
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