
Preparation and use of medicinal herbs and plants
Medicinal plants are used both internally and externally in the open, but most of the dried vide.V home of medicinal plants can be prepared broths, extracts, alcohol tinctures, powders and ointments.
Medicinal herbs and plants in the collections are often more effective than each individually rastenie.Otvary, infusions, tinctures on alcohol, powders and ointments (especially made of charges) is made from finely ground dried material. Collection of medicinal plants in certain relationships are thoroughly mixed and stored in paper bags or glass jars. From this collection (mixture) can take the necessary dose and prepare medicinal teas, tinctures, powders or tinctures.
Medicinal herbal teas, tinctures, ointments are prepared in the enamel, glass or porcelain dish. Tincture to put alcohol in glass bottles with ground glass stopper. If you are preparing extracts in a thermos, thermos flask that there should be only a glass.
Infusions and decoctions made from the calculation of 5-10 g of raw pas a glass of water.
Plants that contain potent substances, prepared at the rate of 0.5-1 teaspoon to 1 cup of raw water - for internal use.
For outdoor use a more concentrated infusion, bathing, dressing, lotions, compresses.
Bath or half-baths should be prepared infusion or decoction for 50 g of raw material to a bucket of water. Duration bath 20-30 minutes.
I tablespoon of dried and crushed collection of medicinal plants (in the level tablespoons) is equal to 5 g.
1 tablespoon with the top collection of medicinal plants is 7.10, the
1 teaspoon of medicinal plants (level tablespoons) equals 1, the
1 teaspoon with the top collection of medicinal plants is 2-2.5, the
Infusions. There are several ways to make infusions.
1. Take a certain number of plants or harvesting of plants, put in a bowl, pour boiling water, infuse for 3-4 hours. Withstand a water bath in a sealed container 15 minutes., Not boiling. Remove and cool to insist. Strain through cheesecloth and drink the recommended doses.
2. A certain number of plants or harvesting of plants placed in a thermos, fill with boiling water, 3-5 hours. Strain through cheesecloth and drink on the specified doses.
3. A certain number of plants or harvesting of medicinal plants to put in a bowl, pour boiling water, cover with a tight lid, wrap up warmly, insisting 4-5 hours. Strain and drink at the specified doses.
4. A certain amount of raw materials put into a bowl, pour boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and place in hot oven or oven, and insist 3-5 hours. Strain and drink the recommended dozam.Otvary. Prepare the way: take the required number of plants or harvesting of plants, put in a bowl, pour boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and simmer on the quiet heat for 5-10 minutes. Then remove to cooling and to insist.
Broths compared with tinctures are absorbed by the body more slowly and are weaker, with boiling of certain substances evaporate and break down, herbal teas contain more foreign substances that impair the therapeutic effect of essential medicines veschestv.Krome that not all herbs can be boiled. For example, when boiled wormwood gets emetic effect. Comfrey and rosehip berries in boiling lose healing properties, of which only prepared infusions. Medicinal plants contain tannins, after boiling immediately necessary protsedit.Lekarstvennye plants containing mucus, before heating or boiling insist 4-6 hours in cold boiled water (for the swelling of mucus). Tincture in alcohol. Posed for 25 - 30 g per 100 g of alcohol or vodka. Infuse 10-20 days, occasionally stir, strain and drink 25-30 drops at the reception, drinking vodoy.Poroshok. The dried plant parts (leaves, stems, fruits, bark, roots, rhizomes), grind in a mortar or coffee grinder to a powder and in this form, taken orally with water, or use for dusting wounds yazv.Maz. It is best to cook pork to an internal fat or unsalted butter (easier to penetrate the skin and has a more profound effect than petrolatum ointment). The basis of an ointment to put powder, tincture or the fresh juice of the plant. Mix thoroughly and wipe with a porcelain mortar at the rate of 1:4 (1 part of raw material to 4 parts oil). Poultices. Sew a bag of linen or gauze, spread it evenly chopped herb or collection of plants, in turn roll and pour the boiling water. Wring out the water and wrap the affected area with the grass bag that hot (as you can tolerate), wrap up warm and keep until greet.Klizmy. To prepare the enema infusion rate of 1 tablespoon of raw material for 1 liter of boiling water.